Money & War
Aid `A million of you?` Crowds of famine victims coming to a derelict house.
Arms Huge crowd of missiles, planes, helicopters etc.
Arms Huge crowd of missiles, tanks and soldiers. FREE PICTURE
Atombomb Mushroom cloud of an atom bomb.
Barrow Man with a barrow full of money.
Blinded Man blinded by holding money too closely - 10p on his eye.
Carry Poor man carrying a rich man.
Cash Coins and bank notes.
Dream Dream of riches, lots of money. FREE PICTURE
Enemies Two tanks with many missiles, facing each other.
Generous `Here Lord! You need it more than I do` - keeping most of his money to himself..
Inflated High price rung up on a cash register.
Moneybag Money bag symbol.
Moths Moths coming out of a safe, having eaten the money.
No Meal Poor man with an empty plate.
No War Missiles on strike, wanting peace.
Open Hand An open hand, symbol of need.
Ostritch Ostrich with his head in the sand.
Picnic A family having a picnic, when a poor family turns up begging.
Piggy Bank Piggy bank with coins.
Pocket Money Boy with a bucket for his pocket money.
Pounds Pound Sterling symbols.
Poverty Beggar with VISA card symbols.
Scrooge Scrooge sitting at his ledger desk.
Shalom `Shalom` `Peace` with a Star of David.
Shopping Enthusiastic shopping in a `Sale`.
Spending Spending as a temptation.
Spree Throwing money away on a spree.
Suffers The world as a globe crying under `Sin and Suffering`.
Treasure A treasure chest full of jewels.
Wallet A wallet with cash.
Warship A warship, aircraft carrier, with planes taking off.
Worldwar Two men on a world-globe, symbolising world war, shouting abuse and throwing weapons at each other.
Missile Missile in flight.