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Life in Bible Times



Census of Cattle in Egypt. The position of registrar of cattle was an exalted one in ancient Egypt. The herds were of great value.


Census of Cattle in Egypt. The position of registrar of cattle was an exalted one in ancient Egypt. The herds were of great value.. Pharaoh honoured some of Joseph`s brethren by saying `make them rulers over my cattle` (Genesis xlvii,6). Painting from tomb of Puyemre, Thebes, Egypt. 15th century BC. Also, a slave is being beaten - cf. Exod.2:11.

A cow herd from a wall mural of 18th Dynasty c 1400 BC


A cow herd from a wall mural of 18th Dynasty c 1400 BC.

A Beduin shepherd boy with a goat. An early photograph.


A Beduin shepherd boy with a goat. An early photograph..

Sheepfold corral protected by thorn bushes with cavern behind


Sheepfold corral protected by thorn bushes with cavern behind.

`You anoint my Head with Oil`. We see a shepherd anointing the heads of sheep with oil to preserve them from sunstroke, or to heal bramble scratches. An early photograph.


`You anoint my Head with Oil`. We see a shepherd anointing the heads of sheep with oil to preserve them from sunstroke, or to heal bramble scratches. An early photograph..

A shepherd guarding sheep in the Wilderness


A shepherd guarding sheep in the Wilderness.

This Beduin shepherd has rescued one of his flock from a ravine in the Wilderness of Tekoa, south-east of Bethlehem. He is dressed and equipped in much the same fashion as shepherds in the days of Jesus.


This Beduin shepherd has rescued one of his flock from a ravine in the Wilderness of Tekoa, south-east of Bethlehem. He is dressed and equipped in much the same fashion as shepherds in the days of Jesus.. The long white garment is girdled with leather. The cloak, required for warmth at night, is rolled up and carried on his back. A dagger is tucked into his belt and an empty goatskin water-bottle under his arm. In this right hand is his sling, dangling below the hind feet of the sheep. The only change in equipment is the gun slung across his shoulders. On it he has tied his shoes being surer footed without these.

Flocks pass `under the hands of him who counts them` (Jeremiah xxxiii, 13). This is the way of counting sheep. An early photograph.


Flocks pass `under the hands of him who counts them` (Jeremiah xxxiii, 13). This is the way of counting sheep. An early photograph..

Sheep-owners valued flocks more for the fleece than the flesh. Shepherds made themselves coats of sheepskin, but the bulk of clothing worn by Palestinian peasants was made from woven wool. An early photograph.


Sheep-owners valued flocks more for the fleece than the flesh. Shepherds made themselves coats of sheepskin, but the bulk of clothing worn by Palestinian peasants was made from woven wool. An early photograph..

In addition to his staff a useful weapon of the shepherd boy in Palestine is a sling. An early photograph.


In addition to his staff a useful weapon of the shepherd boy in Palestine is a sling. An early photograph..

The main duties of a shepherd were to lead his flocks to green pastures and to find them a safe drinking-place by fresh water. An early photograph.


The main duties of a shepherd were to lead his flocks to green pastures and to find them a safe drinking-place by fresh water. An early photograph..

Flocks in the traditional Shepherds` Field, a peaceful valley, a little distance east of the town of the Nativity. An early photograph.


Flocks in the traditional Shepherds` Field, a peaceful valley, a little distance east of the town of the Nativity. An early photograph..

The shepherd, with the help of his crook, had gathered this lamb from a cleft in the rocks and comforted it as he carried it to its mother in the fold. An early photograph.


The shepherd, with the help of his crook, had gathered this lamb from a cleft in the rocks and comforted it as he carried it to its mother in the fold. An early photograph..

In the dusk, when the shepherd can no longer be easily seen by his sheep, he taps the rocks with his staff to assure them he is near.


In the dusk, when the shepherd can no longer be easily seen by his sheep, he taps the rocks with his staff to assure them he is near.. His staff guides and his rod, or club, protects them from attacks of wild beasts. An early photograph.

Traditional Palestine shepherds lead their sheep daily to rest at noon in a quiet pasture and to a safe drinking place in the evening. The sheep know their shepherd`s voice. An early photograph.


Traditional Palestine shepherds lead their sheep daily to rest at noon in a quiet pasture and to a safe drinking place in the evening. The sheep know their shepherd`s voice. An early photograph..

A shepherd carrying a lamb or strayed sheep on his shoulders. An early photograph.


A shepherd carrying a lamb or strayed sheep on his shoulders. An early photograph..

A nomad shepherd with his flock. An early photograph.


A nomad shepherd with his flock. An early photograph..

Egyptian herdsman tending geese


Egyptian herdsman tending geese.







An eastern shepherd leading his flock


An eastern shepherd leading his flock.